Al Ahli Takaful Company Jeddah
The National Commercial Bank a leadings regional financial institution based in Saudi Arabia, together with global leading insurance and technical specialists FWU AG, VHV, and the International Financial Corporation (IFC) a member of the World Bank Group; in addition to a number of prominent local investors, have established ALAHLI TAKAFUL COMPANY (ATC), a company specialized in offering Takaful insurance products and services in the Kingdom.

Al Ahli Takaful Company (ATC) Jeddah

Al Ahli Takaful Company Jeddah Website
Address: P.O.Box: 48510 – Jeddah 21582 – Saudi Arabia
Al Khalidyah Business Center
Prince Sultan Street
Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 (2) 690-1199
Fax: +966 (2) 690-1377